Friday, January 1, 2010

Whirly Pop Popcorn Is Home Made Popcorn Healthy?

Is home made popcorn healthy? - whirly pop popcorn

I am a 13 year old boy, the 82 PBS lost, and I love popcorn. I do not know how to use the guy in the cinema or in a kind of machine, Microwave Popcorn Whirly Pop-yourself. I've never been in the popcorn and I wanted to do a bit for free from this oil with cooking spray. The cooking spray is 0 calories 0 fat 0 Sodium 0 todo. To be healthy? I do not put in butter, but I use salt. And also, why not tell people to use salt? This makes you gain weight or add calories, which holds the water, what is the problem?


Anonymous said...

Popcorn cooker, white, a little salt is good for you, depending on eating, how much you.

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