Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Herpes Kidney What Negative Effects Does The Herpes Virus Cause For A Kidney Failure Patient?

What negative effects does the herpes virus cause for a kidney failure patient? - herpes kidney

the person on dialysis for a few years now off dialysis, very fragile, the person who placed the herpes virus, what harm can be done by the virus or drugs against the virus


Gumdrop Girl said...

Patients with end-stage dialysis liekly have a weak immune system. Persons with weakened immune systems, chronic diseases such as herpes viruses, are susceptible to epidemics, and more frequent relapses and exacerbated symtpoms.

The antiviral drug should be good to manage a patient on dialysis, but has been estimated by the physician about the condition of patients might be better simply to the patient a dose of influenza antivirals.

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