Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ground Almonds What Can I Use Instead Of Ground Almonds In Cake Baking?

What can I use instead of ground almonds in cake baking? - ground almonds

My friend has a severe allergy to nuts, and it seems that many baking recipes with ground almonds. Is there a suitable replacement?


b w said...

There are many recipes for cakes that do not make at all the fruit and nuts, many recipes are easily accessible and only the nuts. I have a pineapple, coconut pecan cake, nut-free, and it was great. For the texture, color, etc. other than carrots, chopped nuts, and to help replace some dried fruits such as figs, cherries, etc. However, the crisis did not expect. Toasted sesame seeds or sunflower seeds can provide a texture is missing, but sometimes an allergy to the tree results in these disciplines and should really ask first. But there are many cakes that have no peanuts of any kind (perhaps to a Gingerbread cautiously, but with the nutmeg) Good luck

PrayerLa... said...

My daughter loves brownies, but you can not eat nuts such as walnuts, almonds, etc ... I replaced to the marshmallows or raisins.

CaptBigR... said...

Black walnuts are my favorites.
This is the time of year to collect them and most are free, always wild.

gnyparon... said...

There's a lot to bake recipes which call you nuts
Friction as brownies, double chocolate cake ...
Chocolate, banana cake storage, Tiramisu,
You may experience ...

be another collection in the archives.

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