Monday, February 15, 2010

Hyper Sensitive To Cold During Colder Months When I Have The Heating On . . . ?

During colder months when I have the heating on . . . ? - hyper sensitive to cold

I have an allergy to dust (the fine in the summer) I also sometimes quite itchy around the face and sensitive to my own hair - I have to tie and wear a scarf, even hypersensitive strong smells and lots of sneezes

Does anyone else get this?

A nasal spray works well, but I stings my face!


♥LaVitaL... said...

Have your furnace have a humidifier? Hot, humid, humid air actually reduce irritation from dust. You can use a portable humidifier almost any pharmacy. No money? Not problem.Take a shallow bowl, put water into it, put it in the heat vent. When the heat-stress on the water in the pan, you immediately get humidity! Really!

LEX said...

I Itching in the face of this summer?

mel said...

too dry. increase the humidity.

dozyllam... said...

You need to put some moisture in the air of Barbie, is the mascot too dry. You can see a few things that clips on your radiators are getting filled with water, as does the trick. You could probably also need to make your rads top form with good suction. Many dust settles the whole summer. I have a domain that is in good shape to continue and the problem no longer happens. The air is filtered through water and it takes the dust in the atmosphere and also added the extra moisture. Perfect, you can place in the world, if you're interested.

Glenn M said...

It depends on what your oven. I know somebody who has this problem and put a glass of water on the heater, and they swear it helps. Add moisture to the room.
Another thing, rather than relying on the heat, on a bridge, helping the environment and

sammy said...

talk to your doctor can recommend something to try to take the tablets for allergies Piriton, but check first with the pharmacist

mollyfla... said...

Make sure furnace filters are changed every month.

Karen Adele said...

Ive got a strange allergy in my nose suddenly very close and clear yet, suddenly, it can be for hours at a time to get stuck, but always comes and goes in a second

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